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Strength & Power Exercises for Fighters
Chapter 1: Accommodating Resistance
Squats with Chains (1:08)
Squats with Bands (0:58)
Bench Press with Single Band (0:28)
Bench Press with Two Bands (0:32)
Conventional Deadlift with Chains (0:40)
Sumo Deadlift with Chains (0:32)
Conventional Deadlift with Single Band (0:36)
Conventional & Sumo Deadlift with Two Bands (0:47)
Overhead Press with Bands (0:44)
Landmine Single Arm Press & Split Jerk with Band (0:42)
Chapter 2: Shoulder Health
Band External Rotations (1:27)
Band Pull Aparts, Face Pulls & Front to Backs (2:12)
Chapter 3: Squat
Goblet Squat (2:11)
Barbell Setup on the Rack (0:43)
Back Squat (1:58)
Front Squat (1:29)
Chapter 4: Push
Bench Press (1:45)
Floor Press (1:05)
Overhead Press (1:38)
Push Press (1:36)
Landmine Single Arm Press & Split Jerk (1:16)
DB Clean & Press (1:06)
Chapter 5: Hinge & Pull
Rack Pull (1:33)
Romanian Deadlift - RDL (1:45)
Deadlift (1:54)
Hex Bar Deadlift & Jumps (2:00)
Power Clean (1:57)
Kettlebell Swing (1:40)
Single Arm Rows (1:20)
DB Snatch (1:10)
Chapter 6: Core Stability
Landmine Rotations (1:31)
Ab Roll-Outs (0:49)
McGill Curl Ups (1:19)
RKC & Side Planks (2:03)
Pallof Iso Holds (1:13)
Chapter 7: Neck Strength
Shrugs (1:36)
Banded Neck Iso Holds (1:08)
Neck Curls (1:40)
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Barbell Setup on the Rack
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